Thursday, June 7, 2007


High mileage? Low mileage? Ultrarunners come in all different stripes--as many runners as there are, you'll inevitably find as many theories about how to prepare for 100-mile races and beyond.

I've learned a lot about my body over the last two decades of running and competing. I have a few strengths and plenty of weaknesses. But at least I'm now able to identify them.

For instance, I've learned that it's pretty tough for me to consistently log 100-mile weeks anymore. No unless I want to stay injury-free, that is. So, for Badwater, I've focused more on maxing my mileage out at around 85 to 90 miles per week. But the key for me is making sure tht the bulk of those miles come in extremely long, back-to-back weekend runs, the longest of which will be around 8 hours.

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